The Tax Procedures Law (Federal Decree-Law 7) defines a tax audit as a procedure carried out by the Federal Tax Authority to examine commercial documents or any information or data relating to a person carrying on a business. Tax audits in the UAE are conducted by the FTA to enable the government to assess whether a taxpayer is complying with tax laws and requirements under the VAT Laws and the Excise Tax Laws. In a tax audit, the FTA verifies that taxpayers have paid all liabilities and that all taxes due have been collected and remitted to the government within the prescribed time limits. According to Article 17 of the Tax Procedure Law, the FTA may conduct a tax audit at its office or at the taxpayer’s business premises or at any place where the person carries on a business (places where the entity keeps records or stores goods).
During a tax audit, the FTA authorities examine tax returns and other information and no specific reason is required for the FTA to audit a taxpayer. The FTA is allowed to conduct a tax audit in the UAE for any reason or at any time. However, the FTA will send a notice to the company at least five days before the date on which the tax audit is scheduled to take place (in accordance with Article 17 of the Tax Procedures Law). In normal circumstances, the tax audit will take place during FTA working hours (in accordance with Article 19 of the Tax Procedures Law). However, the Director-General of the FTA has the right to conduct a UAE tax audit outside working hours if it is an exceptional case. The company, its legal representatives, and tax agents must provide all assistance to the FTA officials conducting the audit. Auditors may request a re-audit if they report a suspicious fact during the audit.
Bestax CA strengthens your internal controls to minimize tax audit risks in UAE. Learn more: Tax audit in UAE.
Tax consultants in Dubai can help companies prepare when the FTA requests a tax audit. Following the guidance of professional advisors will boost the confidence of companies to face a UAE tax audit. The following are some of the most important tips on how to prepare for a company tax audit in the UAE.
As tax auditors review all tax-related transactions, companies need to ensure that there are no discrepancies in any documentation. With the help of BestaxCA’s experienced team of tax consultants in Dubai, UAE, companies can review their systems to ensure that transactions are recorded correctly. Companies need to ensure that their accounting software